The company was started as a partnership between Doreen Simpson and Harold Meyers. Prior to relocating to the premises to a more substantial site in Coopers Plains, in 1965 Harold’s place in the partnership was taken by Doreen’s husband Ranald ‘Ran’ Simpson. While working two other jobs as a newspaper printer for The Courier Mail and milkman, Ran oversaw production at the company in what time he had to spare, while Doreen undertook the administrative and financial elements of running Tennyson Printery. From early ages, all children of the Simpson family were actively involved in the day-to-day running of Tennyson Printery. Some now hold significant roles in the future of the company following an insistence by Ran that they complete a trade in the industry.
In 1970, following encouraging growth, the business moved once more to new premises on the Department of Industrial Development estate at Acacia Ridge. It was at this site that some of Tennyson’s most long-serving and loyal employees began their tenure at the company. The time spent at Acacia Ridge also coincided with a newfound interest in other services that extended beyond just printing. It was here that Acro Vinyl Arts began operations as well as ArtXtra, The Screenery, Tuff Tabs and The Bindery.
The lease on the site was converted to freehold and by 1986 the need for more space was critical. Following an approach from Ross Palmer, plans to extend the factory building were shelved and the property was sold to the next-door neighbour, Palmer Tube Mills, (now Smorgon Steel) to permit further expansion by the company.
Tennyson Printery relocated for a final time to its present site at Magnesium Drive, Crestmead on what was considered then to be a substantial premises. In what was at the time a rather isolated and undeveloped industrial precinct, Tennyson Group began its residency at Crestmead in 1987 and has witnessed the area grow and flourish around it.
During this time, Ran and Doreen’s involvement in the company was beginning to wind down as retirement beckoned. With recent changes and a promising future, the pair were confident in handing over control unto their firstborn son Greg Simpson, who over several years was able to continue the strength of the organisation. Since then, younger brother Mitchell and wife Karen have assumed control and begun a new chapter in the history of the company. Not content with merely overseeing a steady printing company, the pair have taken on a desire to lead the market and grow into new areas, growing the brand and scope of the organisation. Continuing the tradition of the family business, all three children of Mitchell and Karen, Chloe Ali and Lachlan work in what has become a stalwart brand in the printing industry, carrying the Tennyson Group name into its third generation. It has undergone many changes over the past two decades and continually upgrades equipment, scope and focus to ensure that the best and most requisite service might be offered to its large and loyal customer base.